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Thursday, September 17, 2009

Squirrels II

A couple months ago, I reported that the Nu Residence was experiencing squirrel problems. There were many suggestions for how to deal with the squirrels, but the best one so far was a suggestion from Green Thumbs McGillicutty--Don't Cat Squirrel Spears!

Don't Cat spears are really anti-cat devices, but also work against squirrels. The incidence of squirrel attacks have diminished greatly after I installed these spears, as witnessed by Mr. Nonny Nu. After weeks of sustaining attacks, the plants were getting depressed. But, recently, buds started appearing (9 gardenia buds and 2 lily buds), so this was an especially critical time to implement a new plan. Don't Cat Squirrel Spears were immediately applied to the planter and nailed down tight.

I am very happy with this!


stacey said...

where did you get those?? I need some to keep my neighbor's stupid cats off my fence.

Nonny Nu said...

Oh, you have to go get them! There's a shop called "Daiso" in Cupertino. Lemme find a it is. They are really cheap, too! I bought the small sized ones. One pack was only about $2 and there are two "layers" of those spears. Try it!

cl. panic said...

Glad they are working out! I want action photos or video clearing displaying the defeat on their little faces ...

Nonny Nu said...

btw, Mr. Nonny Nu got me some really cute suede gardening gloves that have my name on them!

stacey said...

hey there's a daiso near me in Mtn View!!

are you hand watering or do you want to set up a drip system?

Bobby Peru said...

"i want action photos or video"

bobby peru doesn't like to be rushed. he'll get around to it when he gets around to it.

but you won't be disappointed--the proof is in the pudding.

~ ~ ~

Mr. Nonny Nu said...

"clearing displaying the defeat on their little faces "

well, i wouldn't hold my breath if i was you, cl. panic.

this morning, when i drew up the blinds hiding the planters, i almost spewed my coffee when i saw a clearly caught-in-the-act squirrel scuffling away. little sucker kicked up a lot 'a dirt.

~ ~ ~

Nonny Nu said...

Fuckers. I'm going to that whole planter up when I get back.