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Monday, October 15, 2007

Doubt it.
by Sushi Cat (guest blogger)

Haaaaahhhhh!!! Purrrr.....

Just got in from a breathtaking hike with Cotton and Happy, and am now sitting down to a meal of trees. Thanks to everyone for keeping mom and dad company. They are such babies, aren't they?? Imagine having to herd them around everyday. I tell ya, that was enough to do me in! (Just kidding, but not completely...)

Anywho, let's get to the point here--I am irreplaceable. That's just a cold, hard fact, so there's really no sense in debating it. I understand this to be accepted by all. But, amid the tears and frowns this weekend, there was talk about replenishing the kitty population at the Nu residence. Can you believe this, folks? I'm not even cremated yet, and those two doodooheads are already talking about a new cat. Maybe even *gasp* multiple cats. I am appalled. "Friends" and "family" (I use those terms losely and sarcastically) of the Nus have broached the subject. Mr. Nonny Nu's brother went so far as actually finding a specific cat in Florida for them. The rationale is that I wouldn't want them to be uncared for.

Well, I'm here to set the record straight. That is pure speculation. As we all know, only I am entitled to any and all kitty-related attention from those two dumbos. Will the new cat(s) replace me? Read the title of this blog entry. Will the new cat(s) be as witty, hilarious, and judgmental (in a cute way) as me? Again, read the title of this blog entry.

No, any new cat(s) will inevitably lead to comparisons with me and, unfortch (Bubba, Ghetto FOBulous' rabbit, taught me that one), I will continue to reign supreme. In time, I will overlook this transgression. Right now, I have some trees to take care of.

Ciao, amici!

Sushi Cat

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