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Happy Birthday, Willy Wonka!

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Friday, March 21, 2008

TWoNNCotY Competition Questions VII

Click here for explanation of competition.
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For other TWoNNCotY Competition Questions, see the scoreboard at the upper left hand corner of the blog.

Questions and Answers
Question 43: What brand of beverage does Mr. Nonny Nu’s friend recommend?
Answer: The Macallan (credit: Stillman)
Points: 4

Question 44: Who almost crashed with a government owned vehicle?
Answer: Man from U.N.C.L.E.'s little brother. (credit: Stillman)
Points: 5

Question 45: According to Nonny Nu, When should one distrust Maggi Sauce?
Answer: When it comes in a jar. (credit: Cl. Panic)
Points: 2

Question 46: What does MonkeyPig put in her coffee?
Answer: Bo jai yuen. (credit: Cl. Panic)
Points: 6


stacey said...

The Macallan.

Anonymous said...

question #43 roll...


~ ~ ~

(specifically, the single malt aged eighteen years.)

Anonymous said...

question #44: should a man aged 50 take the same multivitamin as a woman?

stacey said...


(the answer is maybe).

Anonymous said...


i feel just awful about this. i'm sorry, world.

~ ~ ~

Nonny Nu said...

Mr. Nonny Nu, I already told you many times to stay out of my medicine cabinet and my underwear drawer.

Anonymous said...

"stay out of my medicine cabinet and my underwear drawer."

but i've never felt so free and alive! everything is starting to make sense to me!

fine, fine. but it's a sad day in american when a man can't even feel like a woman in her own house.

~ ~ ~

Nonny Nu said...

Not everyone with boobs is a woman. Just sayin'.

Anonymous said...

"Not everyone with boobs is a woman"

ah, yes. tijuana circa '86. a lesson learned well.

~ ~ ~

stacey said...

MFU's little bro! Sears driving school be damned.

Nonny Nu said...


Anonymous said...

question #44 roll...


~ ~ ~

stacey said...

I believe that brings me to *69* points.

Tee hee.

Anonymous said...

bobby said he'd like to be here, but he's getting some type of shots today at the hospital.

~ ~ ~

stacey said...

Never? It's from a respected Swiss company?


If you're Mr. NN and think it's some Asian "It's made of cat toe nails" delicacy?

Nonny Nu said...

This is an extra tough one. I posted it at 7:30pm before I left. My whole purpose now is to come up with very hard questions so that play can never be closed!


Cl. Panic said...

in a jar

Cl. Panic said...

Play is closed. Roll it!

You know what's funny? I kept looking for a time when MR. NN distrusted the sauce... since most of the questions have been about the bear!

Nonny Nu said...


Okay, you can bet your bottom dollar that tomorrow, play will NOT be closed.

I reiterate my previous warning--BEWARE OF MAGGI SAUCE IN A JAR.

Nonny Nu said...

But, Cl. Panic, the question plainly asks when Maggi Sauce should be distrusted according to the rabbit...

Cl. Panic said...

Since Stillman will ask for a more complete answer:

"If I were you, I would be suspicious of Maggi Sauce in a jar."

Which was spurred when I commented on a Maggi sighting in Mexico.

Cl. Panic said...

I know, buy our rabbit is so giving that she normally asks about others. I simply misread the question the first time around.

Anonymous said...

[scene 1, take 1]
["twn-comp" ]

question #45 roll...

ing, and, action!

player one: gimme a six, c'mon six! *kisses die*
player two: let's go you son-of-a-bitch! six! roll a six. six is what we're look-

[interrupt]-dice air toss, slo-mo. beside the table are the cocktail waitresses and gamblers beginning to look on the big payoff roll:


player one: a fuk'n two!
player two: this place sucks.

~ ~ ~

stacey said...

player three: heh heh.

stacey said...

"Since Stillman will ask for a more complete answer:"

What Stillman's looking for is something more exciting to do on a Friday night!

Nonny Nu said...

Wow, a two? That was probably one of the hardest questions...

stacey said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Cl. Panic said...

I know. This is bunk.

Google searchable easy answers get 5s and 6s. The hard ones are worthless.

*thumps tail*

This game isn't worth playing.

stacey said...

DUDE. First you share my refresh secret and now my need to be away from the computer on Saturday! Traitor!! You wonder why I don't give you bacon.

Cl. Panic said...

Versus the usual "prove it" after someone else answers first...

stacey said...

wow. wanting to see what I so idiotically failed to find is interpreted as "prove it." Men.

Nonny Nu said...

*thumps tail*
Whoa, when did you grow a tail?

First you share my refresh secret and now my need to be away from the computer on Saturday!
I know! Aren't I a shit? MWAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAAA...

Anonymous said...

"something more exciting to do on a Friday night!"

lite brites? etch a sketch? we could play battleship! hold on, i'll go get it. -huh? not that either? okay. well, what else...i have throwing stars.

[shower scene] (everything foggy, hear voices only)

voice one: whooooa! i mean, that'swhaaaaheey! is that yo--wowmmmmmmph-thatssriight! who's your daddy, who's your best friend!
voice two: (exasperated, forgivingly disappointed) c'mon. let's go find your battleships.

~ ~ ~

men, don't let this happen to you. right guard antiperspirant is the only antiperspirant with wetguard--the number one selling guards of wetness killer. o/` by mennen! o/`

Man from U.N.C.L.E. said...

NN, I thought one of your relatives was in charge of hiding the Easter Eggs?

Man from U.N.C.L.E. said...

"Question 46: What does MonkeyPig put in her coffee?"

A: Steamed Milk?

Nonny Nu said...

Hi, Man from U.N.C.L.E.! Yes, one of my relatives is busy hiding the Easter eggs! It's his one big day of the year, after all.

The answer I'm looking for is not FDA approved.

stacey said...

Maggi sauce?



Nonny Nu said...


stacey said...

a long narrow piece of wood

Anonymous said...

"a long narrow piece of wood"

i'll be damned. nice one (although i think she's looking for something else). fight for credit!

txa&m 45 ucla 47 1:31

~ ~ ~

Nonny Nu said...

Sorry, "long, narrow piece of wood" is incorrect. Furthermore, the photo only shows MonkeyPig stirring the coffee with the stirrer stick and does not show her putting the stick into the coffee. Therefore, no go.

Try again!

stacey said...

Right. I'm sure she closed her eyes and wrinkled her nose and willed the stick into the coffee!

Too hard. Exceeded the amount of time allotted for searching your blog.

Nonny Nu said...

Perhaps the photographer and drinker of the iced tea on the counter where MP is stirring her coffee put the stick in the coffee for her?

The last time you said a question was too hard, Man from U.N.C.L.E. answered it and then you complained that he should have been banned from answering. Sheesh! But, okay, here's a clue for you. The substance that I am thinking of promotes long life in Asians.

stacey said...
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stacey said...

I think it's ginseng but if so I don't want the points cause I got it from the hint rather than the blog. :)

Nonny Nu said...

Sorry! Not ginseng. But, you're getting there.

This reminds me of a funny story about ginseng. I am not much of an herbalist, so I'm not sure of what these herbs all do, but a long time ago, Mr. Nonny Nu was having sleeping problems so he was feeling tired during the day. All I knew was that ginseng was good for you, so I recommended ginseng tea and he just drank it throughout the day. HAHAHAA!! The joke is--ginseng is a stimulant so it only contributed to his sleeping problems and didn't help it!

Nonny Nu said...

Hint: There is an ingredient in this substance that is considered toxic by some. But, you have to think about how toxic this stuff is, since there are so many Chinese people running around the world, right? HAHAHAHHAHAA!!

Nonny Nu said...

And, yes, Stillman, I do feel rather evil about how obscure this question is.

stacey said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
stacey said...

"And, yes, Stillman, I do feel rather evil about how obscure this question is.",+Maybe+One+Peep.jpg

[how do I post a link?]

stacey said...

right. now I remember. you were going to give Mr. NN some ancient chinese remedy you took throughout your childhood and he said hell no and MP commented... blah blah blah. can't find it now. I suck. or you hid it.

Man from U.N.C.L.E. said...

MP's Additive - Cyanide

Nonny Nu said...

You two are very close. However, it is not cyanide. There was more than one type of Chinese medicine that was mentioned. The one that Mr. Nonny Nu rejected (the one with cyanide in it) is NOT the one that MonkeyPig puts in her coffee.

MonkeyPig said...

Man Gum Yeou

Cl. Panic said...

bo jai yuen -- it has lead in it.

Cl. Panic said...

ngun kiew has the cyanide

Cl. Panic said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Cl. Panic said...

And it's the winning answer because MP said "But not before putting a bottle of bo-jai-yuen in my morning coffee" here.

Jesus, I take the weekend off to celebrate Jesus and questions just hang all weekend? I guess someone has to get the non-googlable ones.

Nonny Nu said...

Bo jai yuen is right! I don't think there has been a question that went unanswered for a longer period of time. Yeesh.

Sorry, but Snakeye has retired for the night, so we have to wait for tomorrow for the die roll.

Good work, Cl. Panic!

Anonymous said...

question #46 roll...


~ ~ ~